It began, as it always does, with a message…
“Hey, can I have a drawing of a Bluebird in a glass frame?”
I was so eager to get started!
I am in the middle of a move, lack of sleep from caring for my babies and stressed for so many other reasons – as we humans usually are. I have no room in my house to meditate (boxes everywhere as we are moving) and no time to go for a walk. But while my babies sleep I can write a blog and do some art, on my kitchen table of all places.
So I emailed a ‘HECK YEAH!’ with this following e-mail to get the ball rolling. I like to give my clients as much room for input as they can manage. The more they tell me the more likely they will be happy with the final product.
Below is the e-mail I sent to client
**Minus any personal information**
Pick a bird you like from the following, you can also send me a picture of something, if you like.
This is an example that is only water color
(only water color is less expensive as it’s less labor intense, approx. $40)
This is a multimedia example of a baby Bluebird
(Available for Sale)
This is another example of a multimedia, no paint
(This piece is Sold)

Bluebird Image Selection
The Selection
She replied wanting a multimedia and chose a favorite among my suggestions. She also requested that the bird be positioned differently, so I sent her another similar image with the bird in a more desirable position. This we agreed upon with a modification of placing the bird on a fence post instead of the branch from the original image.
My Process
Step One
- Roughed in with gray my “SPACE”. Where I wanted the image on the page and some of its important blocked out features
Step Two
- Used a mechanical pencil to draw out the feathers and details I didn’t want to miss
Step Three
- Wanted to warm up the browns in the picture with some warm peach marker
Step Four
- Brought out the vivid blue with marker
Step Five
- Added the pencil crayon to fill in the color and help round out the image
Step Six
- Added in the final touch of marker to bring out the features and sharpen up the image
Step Seven – Final
- Placed in a frame to bring it to completion!
I had the best time creating this! I love clients with my taste in art, Hahaha!
Materials I Used